:3 ok...
I thought this was pretty funny. But seriously... sitting? I bet if he sat on the pimple on my back it wouldn't be nearly as comfortable :) Keep your work coming, you're a hilarious dude...
:3 ok...
I thought this was pretty funny. But seriously... sitting? I bet if he sat on the pimple on my back it wouldn't be nearly as comfortable :) Keep your work coming, you're a hilarious dude...
I'm going with a 7. Yea this was pretty funny, but some of the art needed work. But alot of it was good, dude you show promise. Keep it coming, I'm sure you are bound to pull a numa numa out of your ass or something...
Seriously... This was like bad humor. It had it's slight peaks but it was bad humor. The art is ok. Decent in some points, horrible in others. You need alot of work. Keep working though, I'm sure you're bound to get better just like any artist with time and practice.
Moving all around...
I am a DDR fan myself, being able to complete most of the songs on expert in the past.. (MAX 300 Paranoia survivor 290 etc) and this brought back many memories. Not only that, this was animated exceptionally well, and the music follows the animation at peak performance. I gave you a 5, and im rating a 10. I also fav'd this, and im faving you. Keep the work coming.
Oh my gawsh...
I thought this was awesome, and I laughed so hard at the first 5 minutes... I swear I did... Great imagination work and job friend. Keep it coming.
The opposite of Harry Potter?
Harry was a wizard, Larry is a warrior. Makes complete sense! I love this too! I laughed the whole time. Great job, keep it coming.
Was touching. The animation was great, but there were some break points in it, you could see the cut off points where you held the color. Otherwise, I'd give you 3 thumbs up if I could. (I love all your work btw...)
I swear my beer run was almost exactly the same...
Except I puked for about 9 hours and fell asleep in my sisters room while my other drunk friends slept in mine. (thank god she wasnt home...) Great work, you are a genius :)
I liked it alot, Yea. 9 For a specific reason.
This movie was great, and you are a great artist/animator/flash maker always have been. But I know who you are, and you know who I am... We were both on the same site for a while and you didnt even give me a hidey-ho at any given point for my decent stuff. So I'm giving you a 9... -1 for being neglective towards me. Otherwise there is nothing wrong with this at all. It is perfect. But you need to respect the other artists as well and give them feedback too. It'd be nice. Good luck buddy... Hope you actually say something to me now.
Sugar only the Queens of England would get?!
Can I have some of that sugar please? I'd put it on my pancakes with some THC syrup :p
In general Ive been drawing since second grade, and havent stopped. I generally draw animals and mythical creatures, and my fav thing to draw are comics. I can draw anything really, If you want to see something specific of my work I might have let me know
Age 39, Male
Comic Artist
Joined on 6/19/10